Disable Thumbs.db Generation on Network Drives using GPO In this case, you can turn off the automatic generation of the thumbs.db file for network folders and drives. It looks like Windows is taking a while to create the thumbnail cache file.While this file is being created or updated, you cannot do anything with its parent directory until the thumbcache.dll process unlocks the thumbs.db file handle. The article states that sometimes the presence of a thumbs.db file with a thumbnail cache can prevent deleting or renaming network folders. The issue is related to a known issue described by Microsoft in the KB2025703 ( Renaming a network folder in Windows Explorer fails with “the action can’t be completed”). The action can’t be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. When trying to delete this network share, the following error appeared: You could only rename or delete this folder only after a certain time (1-5 minutes).

You may notice that immediately after copying/moving the image directory in the network folder on the file server, Windows doesn’t allow you to delete or rename the directory. There is one common problem in network folders related to the use of the thumbnail caching by Windows File Explorer. Unable to Delete Network Shared Folder Because Thumbs.db is in Use If you need to disable thumbnail creation on all computers in the domain, use Group Policy. Enable the “ Always show icons, never thumbnails” option in Advanced Settings of the View tab.The easiest way to do this is from the File Explorer settings menu: However, you can prevent Windows 10 File Explorer from creating the thumbs.db file. It will be automatically recreated the next time you view the thumbnails of the files in the folder. The thumbs.db file can be safely deleted manually.

If your Windows 10 doesn’t display icons or thumbnails correctly, you can reset this cache.